Friday, April 17, 2009


Bryce is our first foster....EVER. I decided to do a blog for him because he keeps doing all these great things everyday. I felt annoying emailing everyone everyday about it but I still wanted to be able to brag. So here goes nothing!

We got Bryce last Sunday after an unintended delay. When we got home, he warmed right up to Chris, taking treats and being a little curious. Santana and Buddy were really excited to see this new creature in the crate. Buddy can be over excited at times so we weren't too sure how he was going to react. He did really great. He was pretty easy in the begining.

We've had a few accidents in the house but Bryce is learning. This morning he pottied outside. This isnt abnormal for a dog but for scared little Bryce, it is a big deal. This morning, he KNEW he did good!! He did the number one and came running for some love with big happy eyes....then he did number two and ran right over again! He was a little too exuberant the second time and jumped, but we will work on that. The big deal is that he knew he did a great job and was very happy.

This week has been full of interesting things for him. The other day, I left 3 pairs of shoes in the kitchen. yeah, im bad...he decided he needed to hoard them for some reason. It was bedtime so when I went over to put him to bed, I noticed a shoe. When I went to grab the shoe, I noticed ALL 6 of them were in the crate! It was just too cute!

Last night, we went on a field trip to PetSmart. Buddy was a jerk as usual but Bryce was really good. You could see he was very scared on the walk in and out but having Buddy helped him realize he just needed to do what I was doing....walking in the store. We met some of the store clerks and Bryce thought one of the girls was pretty sweet. Sweet enough to lick her hand when she put it out to pet him. YEAH!! big deal for him since he still runs from me in the house if I move the wrong way.

I cant wait to see how much more puppy he can act. He loves to play with Buddy and is starting to do some play bows. I cant tell you how much it warms my heart to see him be a dog with confidence instead of a scared little thing that cowers all the time.

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